Wojownik nie boi się niczego, więc kiedy przyszła dostawa nowych neonów, od razu poszłam na głęboką wodę. Żarówiasty róż z żarówiastym pomarańczem świecą tak mocno, że aparat w żaden sposób nie mógł pochwycić kolorów. Czyli idealnie kolory na rozświetlanie mroków zimy.
Today I will tell you a little something about the process of creating soutache jewelry. You might think that the hardest and most important part is design. Or maybe technique. Nope. The correct answer is: none of the above. The hardest and most important thing is to stay calm. As calm as possible. It's important and also impossible. All the jewelry is sewn with transparent thread, and there is one thing that you should know about transparent thread. It's the most malicious thing ever made. Most of the time it twists, binds, makes knots and makes my work so much harder. Fighting the transparent thread is the real face of soutache. So I actually feel like a craftsman and a fighter. A warrior maybe ;)
A warrior is not afraid of anything, so when I got new delivery of neons, I decided that I will go all the way with it. This neon pink and neon orange are so extremely neon that my camera went a little crazy. Now that's a set of colors that will lighten up the winter darkness.
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